LIZA Pages

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Liza Minnelli, in Mexico...

62 years old and despite its problems of health, that include several surgeries,Liza has never has left the scene.

In 1973 she presented for the first time her show in the National Audience in Mexico.

By Amalia Rivera

They are memorable the interpretations that the daughter consented of Hollywood has carried out with other large, like Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davies Jr., Freddie Mercury and Luciano Pavarotti
After 10 years of absence, Liza Minnelli returns to Mexico with the same show that has been praised from coast to coast in the United States,
Argentina, Chile and Europe, and that will offer in Zapopan, Plastered, the Federal District and Puebla.

Liza is a symbol of the American celebrity, an institution of the music Hall, the diva of Broadway, the legend, the daughter of Hollywood, given the renown of her ancestors: Judy Garland and Vincent Minnelli; nevertheless, she is not tired to clarify that she is not but "a singer-actress, a worker that the rear one he splits itself so that the audience leave satisfied. I love my work and I want to be better each day, to continue presenting new things", as expressed to The Day in June of 1997.


Her first visit to Mexico goes back to 1973, shortly after to have earned the Oscar by its interpretation of Sally Bowles in Cabaret, and having obtained an Emmy for best special on television, Liza with a Z, which was presented to a National Audience. Decades later, in June of 1997, in the theater Metropólitan offered a concert with the consecrated songs and other songs of jazz included in her album Gently. Her last presentation in Mexican was in 1998, when, responding jointly to the call of Esteban Matisson, director of Acapulco against the been, offered in the port a concert, whose success of collection was a contribution to the cause of the been, of the one that has been difusora during decades along with Elizabeth Taylor, among others personalities.

The singer and actress of 62 years grew up on the film sets and she debuted in the movies at the age of three, when she appeared in the final scene of the musical one In the Good Old Summertime (1949), starred with her mother and Van Johnson. At the age of 16, decides to be independent and she starts her artistic career; in 1963 she acted on Broadway in the musical Best Foot Forward. The following year, she sang with her mother at the London Paladium and she began to record albums. In 1965 she won her first Tony Award for Flora the Red Menace.

Liza became a top level dancer, actress with great charisma and intense dramatics and a singer with unusual vocal power, Liza with a Z manages to shake a heavy inheritance and to be recognized by her own merits as an authentic one show-woman; she has memorable performances next to Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. in Las Vegas, as well as Freddie Mercury, Luciano Pavarotti and even in the Muppets. Their versatility is such, that in her discography stands out Results, produced by the Pet Shop Boys.

After Cabaret,Liza filmed New York, New York, of Martin Scorsese (1977), that passed unnoticed, and in Arthur, the seductive millionaire, in 1981, that reached good collection at the ticket window, among others, that failed to repeat her success, besides that the movies changed, like she has said: "Hollywood has stopped writing the roles that i like to act". The television, on the other hand, is writing "interesting roles for the women", for which recently has been invited special for the television series Law and Order.
Liza Minnelli only has not earned the four most important prizes of the industry of the American spectacle –the Oscar, the Emmy, three times the Tony, two Globes of Gold and the Grammy, in 1990, by its path, among many other rewards that some nations they have offered him, like the prize of Film Sciences of Great Britain or the David Donatello from Italy–, but is a consented that the public have idolized her for more than two generations: the ones that first worshipped her mother and then to her, and that are maintained faithful. As if that were not enough, besides being the major gay icon of the world.

In spite of her health problems, that include two hip replacements, three surgeries on her knee and one of nodules to rejuvenate the vocal cords, as well as rehabilitations in centers of detoxification, never has Liza left of carry out personal presentations. Liza Minnelli continues standing, shining, full of talent and good humor, seething, showing once more what only a diva of the show business can do.

Liza Minnelli and her show, brought to you by Mexico and by Íntegrus and Mayan Productions, will be presented April 26 in the Auditorio at Telmex , Monday 28 in the Nacional Auditorio of Mexico City, and Tuesday 29 in the Complex Cultural 21st century of Puebla

1 comment:

  1. Concierto lleno de recuerdos en el Auditorio
    Publicado en La Jornada 30 de abril de 2008

    Amalia Rivera

    Liza Minnelli refrendó la noche del lunes en el Auditorio Nacional que las verdaderas estrellas no necesitan de alardes tecnológicos para brillar y ganarse la ovación de pie de 8 mil almas.

    Durante dos horas, una esbelta y ágil Liza, aunque con limitaciones físicas, cantó sus grandes éxitos, bailó y se confirmó como una amena contadora de historias que revive con exaltación, sentido del humor y dramatismo las más variadas anécdotas de su herencia artística: “Mientras los niños de mi edad pasaban la tarde en el parque, yo pasaba el día en la Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), y aun desde antes, pues mi madre (Judy Garland) estaba embarazada de siete meses cuando cantó Hello, hello, que mi madrina le compuso”.

    Acompañada de una portentosa banda de 12 músicos y un cuarteto de cantantes-bailarines, sorprendió mostrándose enfundada en largas botas que dejaron ver sus muslos y ejecutando las coreografías de Clap your hands, Funny face, entre otros clásicos del cine de los 40 compuestos por Kay Thompson –“esa gran dama, encarnación plena de la sofisticación”–, directora musical de la MGM y la madrina que estuvo con ella en los mejores y peores momentos de su vida, y que homenajea en su show, al igual que a Papi, Bill LaVorgnia, su director musical durante 30 años, fallecido el año pasado.

    Mi gran familia

    “Mi familia ya está en el cielo. Pero ustedes son mi gran familia”, declaró al presentar a su hermana Christian Nina Minnelli, con quien cantó On a clear day, que de inmediato recibió el arropamiento del público.

    Liza no dejó de incluir en su repertorio las consagradas que encienden mentes y corazones: The man I love, Maybe this time, Sara Lee, Cabaret, New York New York, o My Mammy –dedicada a Esteban Matisson, de Acasida–, sólo que ahora, advirtió antes de la estrofa final y riéndose de sus limitaciones, “¡sin apoyar la rodilla!”, al estilo Al Johnson, como hace 35 años en este mismo auditorio y en muchos otros foros del mundo.

    Después de agradecer con caravanas los aplausos, tomada de las manos de los músicos, como en Broadway, Liza regresó al escenario para brindar la última e irse. “Decía mi padre que elegir la canción que cerrará el show es una dura elección”, confiesa. Y tras interpretar a capella I’ll be seeing you con su voz monumental, el público quiere otra. Cuatro veces regresó a escena para agradecer emocionada a las 8 mil personas que de pie la aclamaban, pero que ya no lograron hacerla cantar. Ni una más.
