LIZA Pages

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


By:Galkin Galya
May 19,2008

Great broadway divine Liza Minnelli will give a unique concert in Moscow on May, 22nd at concert hall " B1 Maximum ". In her first part hits will sound, and the second is devoted to memory of her godmother and mentor Kay Thompson from the date of which birth has passed 100 years and 10 years from the date of her death. Before concert Liza has chosen time that by phone to answer questions of "Work".
I welcome you, Ms. Minnelli, how do you feel?

Please, call me Liza. How are you?

Thanks big, for having agreed to give us some minutes, despite of the work schedule. From what I have heard of you, its not a secret?

I'm rehearsing a new show devoted to my godmother Kay Thompson, I shall show it in Moscow. She, possibly, has rendered the biggest influence on musical Hollywood. You can see her in the musical " Funny Face ". She not only wrote music and sang, but also was removed. When studio MGM had invited her to a post of director on vocals, and she was only 20 with åÒÞáâØÚÞÜ. She is incredible! Then she has made the present revolution in a genre of a musical. ºay was the best friend to my parents, therefore they have asked her to become my godmother. She was the best gift to my birthday.
I heard, that your show is based on history?

Yes! Each one of my show is a history, and each history has a background. And this all about hope, dreams and disappointments. It is very important to understand, what happens with this woman who sings. Where she is - in the kitchen or in a court yard of the house, from what country she from... I prepare in a the book where songs are accompanied by illustrations on which my heroine in this or that vital situation is represented For each show.

Wondering whether you are going to sing Russian songs in Moscow?

I very much would wish to learn to sing Russian songs. (Laughs.) and to include them in show is a good idea. But I do not know, whether I shall have time to make it. I rehearse every day and when I shall arrive to Moscow I shall try to make the best, on what I am capable.

I know , that you have included in the new show a little all of favourite songs from "Cabaret".

I shall accustom to singing them how did not sing never earlier. As if I execute them for the first time.

You and earlier acted in Moscow, last time was two years ago. What do you remembered most of all?

I've had fine memories. But what I most of all remember, as we went across Moscow in the car, me with my dog in my lap. When we had stopped at a traffic light one woman with bags, know, such a grandmother (with an accent on the second syllable), had seen me through a window and has waved to me with a hand. (Laughs.) I could not believe, that she knew me! This case became for me a greater surprise.

I am not surprised, because in Russia everyone knows you, that by you a living legend of Hollywood, that you were born in star family of actress ´ÖãÔØ ³ÐàÛÐÝÔ(Judy Garland) and director Vincente Minnelli. What people were your parents like?

My parents were very rational and reasonable people. (Laughs.) our life was as is organized, as well as in other families. In this city all worked. In Hollywood not so it is a lot of ÓÛÐÜãàÐ as it seems to much. It is working city. At our place there was a strict discipline: we early rose, had breakfast, parents left for work in MGM, and I in school. In the evening they came back home, we had supper and went to bed. It was very healthy discipline so you do not think, that someone beat me. My parents were very soft and loving people. But so it turned out, that when to me there were 15 years, I have departed to New York and since then any more did not obey the parents. (Laughs.)

And whom you obeyed?

Myself. I have learned to be oneself very early on.

Recently someone presented me a card at date of a birth with an inscription: " the Life is a travel and friends whom you meet on the way ". You agree?

Is still adventures which do a life very interesting. I have grown in Hollywood, Lana Turner was my neigbor. But I wanted to act on the Broadway which was something that was for me new. And after I have looked film " Bye, Bye Birdie ", I madly wanted to dance on the Broadway.
- And your dream was executed - you danced, sang and including on the Broadway. Whats your biggest talent?

It seems to me, that my biggest talent is a understanding of the one who I touch. (Laughs.) So who you touch?
- I'm the proof of tell-tale. I have gone through virus encelphalitus which had chained me to an invalid armchair. I had 2 metal artificial hips and a wired up knee joint. Doctors told me, that I shall never speak and walk, and I sing and I dance.
- Recently you have declared: " Now I can speak all that I want ". What would you wish to tell from about what were silent earlier?

- I am very happy! I have a family and friends whom I love. At last I have learned to take pleasure in myself and from everything, that is created around!

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