LIZA Pages

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Regensburg the Broadway Star - Minnelli appears in Castle Festival

On Wednesday Regensburg receives prominent visit: US superstar Liza Minnelli comes for a concert to the castle festival in the inner courtyard of the fürstlichen residence.
She lines up herself one in the Line-up of world stars who were represented this year on the castle festival: Montserrat Caballé, David Garrett and Juan Diego Florez.

In her first visit in Regensburg Minnelli wants to try absolutely home specialities as it betrayed to the " Medium Bavarian newspaper “ already: Regensburger sausages with scuffle Mayo-mustard. In addition, Minnelli has one
small round trip through the world cultural heritage town planned. However, she will probably renounce Bavarian beer: The Broadway star, in the meantime, has a healthy life. „ I sleep a lot, eat the right thing and drink a lot of water “, she said.
Festival performance organizer Reinhard Söll admits quite point-blank as he succeeded in engaging Minnelli: with a substantial fee. “ A knee case or a trip to Las Vegas is not necessary there at all “, said Söll in the interview. All together Minnelli is very easy-care: “ Neither excluding special wishes nor special treatment to Ms. Minnelli and loves the nice scenery in the castle park ,she is glad even especially. “ There she also becomes of the screen mistress of the festival, Princess Gloria Von Thurn and Taxis,will meet. The Princess would like to shake Minnelli’s hand personally. Gloria von Thurn and Taxis this year expects more than 30,000 guests again at the festival.

To most spectators, Liza Minnelli might be confessed, by her famed appearances on Broadway in New York, as well as countless shows and films success with Frank Sinatra, Goldie Hawn, Robert De Niro and Sammy Davis Jr. The multitalent might pocket even an Oscar for the role of the Sally Bowles in "Cabaret". The world star will give her big hits, “New York, New York “, "Cabaret" and “ Liza with a Z.” also in Regensburg to the best.

However, thus effectively the artistic success also was, so tragically ran temporarily the private life of Liza Minnelli. Addicted and be a pill popper she did an extraction cure, was at times confined even to the wheel chair, suffered from the heaviest depressions and got over different operations.

However, the star has revived herself again and today is fitter than ever. “ It goes for me splendidly, I feel wonderful! I have taken off 40 pounds because I dance for my new show continually “, she told to the " Medium Bavarian newspaper “. And in spite of two artificial hip joints and an artificial knee joint, the 62-year-old confessed recently of the British newspaper "The Observer". The life as a show star demands her tribute of the show size, as in Hollywood grown up Daughter of the famous film star Judy Garland already at the age of ten years as a child star on the stage stood.

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