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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Liza Minnelli "For the autograph of Mina I would do a line for hours"

The voice of New York from today in tour in Italy "I Am a fan, a duet with her would please myself"


ROME Has energy to sell, Liza Minnelli, although the slaps received from the life and the her 62 years. And not because you sing or dance like a large star could do to 30, but because is there, enthusiast, that if laughs it for an attractive day, for an ice cream, for a beaten. Sacred and profane, l' essence of this woman that supports light: "I am a gypsy one of Broadway, I do not take myself ever on the serious one and before every show I recite the prayer of Mother Teresa of Calcutta". The gypsy one, after a promotional tour "to cold", it is presented live from tonight in tour. She leaves the Auditorium of Holy Cecilia, in Rome, then will be moved to Florence (Saturday), Bologna (4 November), Barium (7), November 10 to the Royal one of Turin, closing 14 to the Arcimboldi of Milan. All' origin of the show (that it is made use of of a band of 12 elements and of a quartet of dancers-singing), the tax to the family; to the father Winning, marvellous producer that lover did them the Italian story first still dell' Italy; to mommy Judy Garland, mythical star too fragile in order not to come overwhelmed from its same success and to the godmother Kay Thompson, arranger and vocal coach even. In the menu, large success like Cabaret, Maybe This Thyme, New York, New York and very other pieces written for her from two sacred monsters of Broadway of the caliber of John Kander and Fred Ebb, authors of the musical Chicago.

Lady Minnelli, she has a professional life of enormous success, won an Oscar, is loved from the public, is carrying in tour a show that in Europe did sparks. Why then it is defined "a survivor"?

I have addressed all this fighting, with simplicity and determination. Each morning, I I looked at in the mirror and I thought: "We are there, let us go forward". complicated, but at the end I won. Also because I have always sought The best part of life: the people, friends, a bit of rock, the Brazilian music, Mina ".

But then it is true that it Undermines it is her favorite artist?

"Certainty that is true, I am an its fanatic fan. I would adore a duet with her, I would do a line of hours to have an her autograph".

After this tour a new album?

"No, I am writing a film acclimated to New York, in the zone of the small pub where is fixed the people of show in wait of to become well-known. I am those that they inhale to Broadway, that they sing between the desks imagining itself of to be elsewhere".

We return at the "survivor". After the unsuccessful marriage two years does, in love how goes?

"Please no, from the point of view men it goes bad. However living person a marvellous emotional condition of solitude. With the men never I had luck: I have an excellent flavor for the friends but awful for the fiancés".

It does not be able to be alone misfortune. It not something of its in this will have put us sentimental disaster? For example the drug? Or l' alcohol?

"In effects I messed up a lot. However now I learned on my skin that the dependence is a serious illness. It is there in the brain, it hatches and then it destroys you. A condition that pursued me since little girl, when I saw it in the persons that more I loved. All my family there was born".

We approach all' election of the president Usa in a terrible moment of crisis. How does it see its Country today?

"Like all I am afraid, I feel myself insecure, above all I am worried for the middle class that is who pay the most expensive price. I can do little but in the mine small want to help the weakest. And then it believe to give moments of thoughtlessness. It is not survived without the sense dell' humor. L' I understood to 16 years when I have have to confront with the problem of not to have nothing. And I have helped so: minimizing".

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. Once again, your site features articles and videos that are no available elsewhere. Keep up the great work!
