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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scott Schechter ~ Rambling Reporter (column)

5/26/2009, 11:17 a.m. EDT
The Associated Press

(AP) — 'Conquests' leads Tony buzz
The Hollywood Reporter
On the East Coast, writer-archivist Scott Schechter, a remarkable fellow who was an unflagging keeper of the flame for all things Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli, died suddenly May 14 of a heart attack at 48, a great shock to all his friends.
Schechter worked on everything from Garland and Minnelli CDs and DVDs to compiling books like 2002's "Judy Garland: The Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Legend," from Cooper Square Press, which literally listed Garland's daily activities from her birth at 5:30 a.m. on June 10, 1922, to her death June 22, 1969. (The research necessary to do that one staggers the imagination.)
If anyone wrote a word, pro or con, about Garland or Minnelli, Schechter was on the phone immediately to plead their case or say thank you for the mention. He also was an invaluable source when it came to fact-checking.
Beyond that, on his own, he was a rare, gentle and extremely nice human being.
© 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

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