LIZA Pages

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Allan Cumming on LIZA ~ From an interview in Timesonline (UK)

Liza Minnelli The two times I’ve seen Liza in concert are in the top two or three experiences I’ve spent in a theatre. You worry for her at the beginning but your worries ease and you have a journey with her that ends up being triumphant. I was gasping last time I saw her, and I’m not a gasper.

....He didn’t make his debut solo show any easier by opting to sing the Cabaret standard Mein Herr when its most famous performer, his hero Liza Minnelli, was sitting in the audience on the first night. When he stepped on to the stage, “I was so f***ing nervous it was just out of control.”
But he has learnt from Minnelli that audiences quite like their stars to be human: “It’s OK to let them see how nervous you are. When you’re a character you can’t let that happen, because your character wouldn’t be nervous. But when it’s just you it’s all right — in a way it makes it more of an immediate and intense relationship.” He duly went down a storm, with Variety noting how he “commands the space with elfin charm and a friendly sly brand of humour”. Minnelli, he heard, was “clapping away and howling”, and the reception was equally warm when he reprised the show in Sydney.

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