LIZA Pages

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Liza Moment... by Gary Smiler

Back in the 80's Lizas new protege was the wonderous Michael Feinsten who was making his one man Broadway and I was already a big fan and wihed I could emjuate him as a pianist and singer myself. So naturally I adored the show. During intermission I spot Liza across the lobby wit a group of people and not one to ever be accused of being shy, I walked over and said hello to her and gushed a little. She was as warm a toast. I mentioned that I was a pianist singer and a music teacher with the Ny board of education for many years. Her ees widened and told me what a wonderul Job I had nd how important what I did was and that ther may be a lot of children out there that I might be cultivating for future mjusical success. He immodest about her self an dhr interets in MY work mad me fall in love with her even more. I will never forget telling her how much I ws enjoying Michaels show and wishe me furture success. I walked away floating on air an feeling even more significant then when i walked over. OOOOOOOOOh what a doll she was. BTW back in the60's i sat in front of Liza and her new steady Peter Allen at a showing of Its a Mad Mad mad Mad Mad world and they were holding hands like two teenagers. Liza was still in pre halston waif look days and they were adorable but i dedided to protect their privacy until(see the above story).

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