LIZA Pages

Friday, October 8, 2010

LIZA"S "Confessions" reveals the truth...

Guide Live
There’s no studio trickery here, no Auto-Tune. When it’s just one voice and one piano, everything is naked and on display. Minnelli proves her pipes remain beguiling. Producer Bruce Roberts lets the proceedings breathe. So we get 14 standards — thankfully, not the same stale, over-covered songs — that Minnelli treats as mini movies. She makes these songs believable, even for someone who’s lived as public and tumultuous a life as she has. “Confession,” which opens the opus, has a delicious, wink-and-nod ambiance; on “Moments Like This” she oozes vintage romanticism. Throughout, Minnelli’s diction is flawless, as is her vocal control. The breezy, jazzy sense of discovery in “You Fascinate Me So” frames the mood. With Confessions, Liza Minnelli reveals she can still deliver the artistic truth.

-- Mario Tarradell

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