LIZA Pages

Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't sit alone - come hear Liza sing ~ Minnelli's debut in Tucson was delayed 38 years
Arizona Daily Star
Cathalena E. Burch Arizona Daily Star Arizona Daily Star

Posted: Friday, December 3, 2010 12:00 am
she had been able to make her Tucson debut back in April 1972 - as was planned - we would have seen Liza Minnelli as she was about to blossom.

She was only a handful of years removed from her 1965 Broadway debut and was making a splash nationally for her singing chops. Her mom, Judy Garland, launched that side of Minnelli's career when she invited the then-teenager to perform with Garland at the London Palladium.

We would have caught Minnelli a little less than a year before she won her Oscar for her portrayal of Sally Bowles in "Cabaret," and a few months before she divorced Hubby No. 1 in July 1972 and married No. 2 that September. (To date, she's had four husbands; all of her marriages ended in divorce.)

Mostly, though, we would have been able to get in on the ground floor of a career that turned out to be pretty remarkable: movies, Broadway, TV, recordings.

Minnelli has endured public scrutiny, health scares, tabloid trashing and the strains of age - she's 64 - in a Hollywood and Broadway that celebrate youth. Yet she has persevered and is held up by critics and fans worldwide as the ultimate entertainer.

Alas, that April Tucson concert was canceled just days before she was to perform here.

Tonight, however, Minnelli finally will make up that lost date from half a lifetime passed. She will perform in a UApresents concert at 8 at Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd. Tickets are $54 to $84 through www.uapresents. org; all the discounted student, senior and military tickets are sold out.

Information: 621-3341.

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