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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Halston and Warhol" ad campaign celebrates icons Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minnelli

Marc USA, one of Pittsburgh’s largest advertising agencies, unveiled a new multimedia campaign for the exhibition “Halston and Warhol: Silver and Suede,” which runs through Aug. 24 at the Andy Warhol Museum on the city’s North Side. It will then visit Des Moines, Iowa, Halston’s birthplace, and the Mint Museum in Charlotte, N.C.
The ads chronicle Halston designs and feature icons Liza MinnelliJackie Kennedyand Elizabeth Taylor. The print campaign will be seen throughout Pittsburgh and surrounding markets in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle and InStyle. Ads will also wrap two-story buses, dominate Pittsburgh subway stations and digitally greet visitors to Pittsburgh International Airport where Minnelli’s eyelashes wink and Taylor’s head tilts.
“Halston and Andy Warhol traveled in the same circles and influenced each other’s work,” Michele Fabrizi, president/CEO and chairman of The Andy Warhol Museum board, said in a prepared statement. The campaign is pro bono. “This campaign pays tribute to their relationship while showcasing the significant contributions Halston made to fashion. While Halston dressed these icons, Warhol painted them and was friends with all three. It’s the perfect platform to introduce this exhibition.”
Patty Tascarella covers accounting, banking, finance, legal, marketing and advertising and foundations. Contact her or 412-208-3832. .
Senior Reporter-Pittsburgh Business Times


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