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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Liza and Patti and Angela — The Definitive Divas Who Are Gay Icons

Liza and Patti and Angela — The Definitive Divas Who Are Gay Icons
By Ben Rimalower
27 Jun 2015 
As part of's 30 Days of Pride, correspondent Ben Rimalower offers a collection of famed gay icons.
The idea of divas as gay icons has gotten a lot of traction over the years. Essay, books and plays (cough, cough, Patti Issues) have been written on the subject and it goes far beyond Broadway, with performers ranging from Lady Gaga to Maria Callas, Meryl Streep to Elizabeth Berkleygarnering the distinction. But Broadway does seem to be ground zero for the phenomenon. If you buy into the notion that gay men, seeking escape from their oppression, have found kindred spirit in the vulnerability of the great ladies of the stage, and have felt empowered by their prowess, and further, that gay men found solace in the fantasy of musical theatre, then it's only natural that the divas of Broadway would hold particular allure.

Liza Minnelli
Click through to read my selections for the Top Ten Broadway Divas Who Are Gay Icons.
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