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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Liza Minnelli promises to entertain in July 24 show at IP

Liza Minnelli promises to entertain in July 24 show at IP

Star of stage and screen, Liza Minnelli talks about life on the road, preparing for her new show and performing in Biloxi

tmsmith@sunherald.comJuly 16, 2015 

RUVEN AFANDORLiza Minnelli will perform at IP Casino Resort and Spa in Biloxi on July 24.

If there is one name that evokes images of classic Hollywood, the excitement of Broadway and the glamour of the music industry, it's Liza Minnelli. A true living legend, she is a consummate entertainer.
Minnelli will be at the IP Casino Resort and Spa in Biloxi on July 24 for an 8 p.m. performance in Studio A. The price range starts at $50, and there are a few tickets remaining.
She recently spoke from California with the Sun Herald about her upcoming show.
"I'm busy working on my show. I'm putting it all together now," she said. "We're going to Europe and all over the place, which I'm looking forward to.
"What I'm trying to do is include the things that I know people really like, that they're familiar with, like 'New York, New York' and 'Cabaret,'" she said. "And 'Maybe This Time.' But hopefully, I try to do what I would like to see, whether it's sad or silly. I had great teachers, Fred Ebb and John Kander. In fact, I'm singing one of their songs I haven't done in such a long time. It's called 'I'm One of the Smart Ones.' It's kinda snappy. It's from a show written for me, actually. It never got put on."
"They really guided my whole life," Minnell said, referring to Kander and Ebb, "plus the other people I've been really lucky to work with, like (choreographer) Bob Fosse, you know, and (film director, producer and writer) Alan Paukla and my dad (stage and film director Vincente Minnelli)."
She also praised her longtime "wonderful conductor, Billy Stritch. He's terrific. We sing together, and it's heaven for me."
Is she still dancing?
"A little bit. I strained my back. It's getting better all the time, so we'll see."
What are her most memorable performances?
"I guess 'Liza with a Z.' I was directed by Fred, and I'm a director's daughter, so I listened. He always contributed so much."
Some songs have special significance for Minnelli.
"You know, Ira Gershwin was my godfather, and Kay Thompson was my godmother. I was surrounded by wonderful music my whole life. Their songs, the ones from 'Cabaret' and 'Flora the Red Menace,' my first Broadway show -- those do," she said. "I'm going to try to sing two songs from it ("Flora"), but we'll see. I want it to be great for you guys."
Minnelli keeps current by listening to a variety of music and popular artists.
"Mostly all of them," she said. "I love the rap stars, listening to some of the classic rock. You don't want to miss anything. Most of the things I see inspire me."
Would she consider a duo with a rap or, say, heavy metal artist?
"Why not? Sure! Well, I made that album with the Pet Shop Boys," she said with a laugh.
An average day for her is a busy one.
"I get up as early as I can. First thing I do is take a dance class. It gets me going for the day, and it's good exercise. Then I usually have lunch with friends or I work on whatever I'm working on and rehearse in the afternoon," she said.
She has three dogs, all schnauzers, and they helped the star offer a stageworthy joke.
"They're really quite beautiful, and they don't bark," she said. "Can you imagine? They're the nicest dogs I've ever met, and I've known a lot of dogs! I mean animals, not people!"

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RUVEN AFANDORLiza Minnelli will perform at IP Casino Resort and Spa in Biloxi on July 24.

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