LIZA Pages

Monday, September 7, 2015>

Liza Minnelli Unfazed By Agent's Memoir

In June (15), Stevie Phillips released Judy & Liza & Robert & Freddie & David & Sue & Me in which she wrote about the drug abuse suffered by the star's late mother Judy Garland, and detailed Minnelli's own problems with addiction.
When asked about the book during an interview with Britain's Weekend magazine, Minnelli acts unaware of its existence and explains that she refuses to read anything about herself upon the advice of late actress Dame Elizabeth Taylor.
Minnelli says, "I never read any of that stuff... Because it might upset me... She (Taylor) told me she never read a single thing about herself, so I stopped, right there and then, which meant there was never anything lousy going around in my brain. That was good advice."
When asked if she would like to set the record straight with her own autobiography, she replies, "I don't feel like it. I don't want to do it unless I'm really enthusiastic about it. Right now I'm too enthusiastic about so many other things. The way I see it, I'm at the bow of a boat moving ahead. All the nonsense behind me is the wake and I'm impervious to it as I plough on."
Minnelli entered rehab earlier this year (15) to tackle substance abuse issues

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